
Branding: Festival combining image, music & media

PPPUSH-IT is a meeting between makers and co-makers from the broad 'music scene'. It wants to connect & unite musicians, journalists, artists & their audience. It gives them - through lab, music & expo - a common voice, face & platform. PPPUSH-IT is already an experience & route in the region and city. Relive the atmosphere of a live concert. Crowd surf along experience expos and dive into the festival summer!


We found it appropriate to use a sound wave for a cross-media arts festival. We recorded our voices saying "Push-it" and transformed that recording into the image logo. The bottom part was mirrored to make diagonal space for extra communication. The mirroring also makes the whole more complex and lends itself to using multiple variants. When the waveform is split into vertical bands, those bands can be filled in with content, making the style dynamic.

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